Dr Neelan Pillay
MBBCh(wits), FCOG(cmsa),MMed(wits),Masters Human reproductions(spain)(cumlaude),Certificate in Reproductive Medicine(cmsa)(cumlaude)
Dr Neelan is a Specialist Gynaecologist and Sub-specialist in Reproductive medicine and Endocrine. He has been a Obstetrician Gynaecologist for 11 years, and he is registered with the Health Professional Coucil and the College of Medicine of South Africa as a reproductive medicine sub-specialist.
He completed his undergraduate training at the University of Witwatersrand in 2003. He then went on to specialize in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and completed his training in 2010. After this he did a formal 2-year Sub-specialization at the University of Pretoria and passed his exams at the College of medicine of South Africa with Cum-laude. During this time, he also completed his Masters in the Biotechnology of Human reproduction through Valencia, Spain.